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kore therapy at

the stables wellness &

holistic therapies

KORE Therapy (Kinesthetic Optimum Recovery Enhancement) integrates the best of both Eastern and Western assessments and treatment skills, so for a fast recovery all systems of the body need to be evaluated and treated as they all influence each other including nerves, muscles, blood, organs, lymph, digestion and more.  By using unique tests we can ascertain the root cause of many conditions, injuries and imbalance.  Treatment then focuses on the root causes and by releasing these it benefits the whole body.

Kore Therapy  |  45mins-1hour  |  £45.00

Why Choose KORE?

KORE Therapy differs from most therapies because instead of looking at 'What' the problem is, we ascertain 'Why' the problem is there and where it is coming from.

For example lower back pain could likely be caused by a pelvic imbalance, or migraines could likely have a neck problem affecting blood flow and nerves into the head which in turn could lead to migraine symptoms.

I use unique muscle testing to pin point the root of the problem and then treatment techniques such as Spinal Massage, Pelvic & Cranial Balancing, Cupping and much more can be applied.  Treatment is fully clothed and techniques are gentle so not to cause pain.

Anmo Fu - Deep Abdominal Massage | 30mins £25.00

Abdominal massage is a deep oil based massage focused on the abdominal region. Your abdomen is the centre of your body and at times, the source of your well being. Its role is to ensure that all organs are operating efficiently with space to breathe and a good supply of blood and lymph.

Anmo Fu has been described as the most beneficial treatment system for the complete human being. Each organ is not just an anatomical unit, but also part of an energy meridian which is linked to other functions in the body, including our mood and emotions. Our internal organs control and enhance not only our physical bodies, but also our mental and emotional balance. Many things can affect the functioning of our internal organs and digestive system, stress being the major factor here. When we are stressed the bowels are directly affected. It causes torsions, twists, blockages and general absorption imbalances which leads to problems in the absorption of water and nutrients and affect the body’s own healing/ immune system.

These imbalances can remain in the body for years, leading to conditions such as fatigue, anxiety, headaches/migraines, back pain, constipation/diarrhea, IBS, wind, ME, Bloating, ulcerative colitis, fertility issues, menstrual disorders, menopausal problems, endometriosis, all of these conditions may benefit from a series of Anmo Fu massage treatments.

During this massage my aim is to release all the twists and torsions in the bowels while balancing the internal organs, clearing trapped toxins, restrictions and releasing waste products thereby creating a fantastic system for treating many stress, bowel, lower back and emotional problems by promoting good health, and enabling the organs to function to the best of their abilities.

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Typical Conditions:


Back Pain


Joint Pain




Menstrual Difficulties



IBS / Crohn's Disease


Frozen Shoulder

Neck Issues

Skin Complaints


Sports Injuries


and many more....

Cupping Therapy | 30mins £30.00

Cupping is an ancient traditional treatment that creates a local suction on the skin’s surface to mobilise blood flow in order to promote healing. This involves the placing of warmed glass cups on the affected area to create a vaccum. The suction and warmth created has a dramatic effect on the immune system of the body by moving blood and lymph and stimulating the muscle and spinal nerves.

Firstly, with gentle massage strokes, I apply massage oil to the area of the body to be treated to help loosen up the tissue and then I position the warmed cups over the area. Then, using particular movements, I move the cups over the area to produce a warm, deeply healing and stimulating massage. Cupping can be used to treat a wide range of physical problems from pain and muscle spasms to cellulite, colds and flu.

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